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Your key to unlocking everything we offer while adding more flexibility and user control…

Founders Live NFTs:
Collectibility + Utility + Value

Available Now

Founders Live tokens offer access, benefits, and opportunity to holders.

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Company Colors

Our genesis series of collectible startup cards, commemorating our Prime Time 2021 regional finalists.

Holders of any of these cards will receive:

  • Premium platform access (valued at $600/yr) - including Founders Live Academy - throughout 2022

  • Exclusive channel access in our Discord community

  • VIP experience at all Founders Live events, both digital and IRL

  • Voting bonus: Each card counts as an extra vote for your startup in the pitch competition

  • Original holder status: These very special genesis NFTs offer extra privileges forever

  • Quantity bonus: Holders of three or more cards get Premium membership through 2023

Extreme Value: Launch priced at .028 Eth (approx $99 USD at launch - crypto prices fluctuate), we will never again offer this level of access at this price.

Limited Supply: Only 99 cards per each of 26 startups will be available for sale

Limited Availability: All unsold cards will be burned on January 1st, 2022

Collectibility: These startups are at the dawn of their heyday before potentially huge public success. This is your chance to grab a potentially valuable souvenir of this moment in time that also provides tremendous utility to our entire platform.

Founders Live: Day One

This picture was taken in Seattle, WA, on March 28th, 2014, at the first ever Founders Live event, called Feature Friday, where entrepreneur and eventual Founders Live CEO Nick Hughes is addressing the crowd and talking about a new concept of bringing people together to showcase early stage startup talent, giving entrepreneurs a new channel to be discovered.

Little did he (or anyone else in the crowd) know this “little” concept would eventually expand to every continent in the world and impact more than 100,000 people globally in just a handful of years.

We are excited to mint this unique image as one of our first NFTs, and you have a chance to own it! This is the original file, and this version will only have ONE unique NFT asset minted—a 1:1 piece—so the buyer will own the ONLY original version on the blockchain.

In addition to owning a piece of history, the current holder of Founders Live: Day One will be comparable to an insider in Founders Live and earn a board observer seat at quarterly Founders Live Team meetings, meaning this person will be keen to inside strategy and be able to add their thoughts and perspectives on improvement and expansion of the Founders Live brand and ecosystem.

Community Support

Support Startups with these super-affordable badges!

100% of the revenue goes directly into the prize pot to be awarded to the winner of the global pitch competition finals at Livefest 2021.

And to show our appreciation for your generosity, Community Support badge holders will also be eligible for:

  • Special bonuses, like NFT airdrops

  • Special access on our community platform

  • Future mint opportunities

At .0015 ETH (approx $5.00 USD at launch - crypto prices fluctuate) these NFTs are accessible to everyone. Buy a bunch!


Free collectible badges to attendees who vote in our competitions!

  • Prove you were there

  • Add to your growing and shareable POAP collection

  • Enter to win one of our Day One 5/5 edition NFTs along with all associated access privileges

POAP redemption links will be sent to voters via email after each event ends.

POAP stands for Proof of Attendance Protocol. Learn more.

Register + Claim

Once you’ve purchased your NFT, enter your public wallet address below so we can get you hooked up with benefits.

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Stay tuned for more…

© 2021 Founders Live

Founders Live NFTs are utility tokens and may not increase in value, nor are they any kind of solicitation of ownership or investment.

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